My first question recived!
The question is:
Why arent guys as eager to talk to a girl? Girls are always sitting and waiting to get a text or any sign of life from the guy while guys, it feels like, just dont mind that stuff.
My answer:
Im guessing you're talking about someone you're currently dating or have some sort of pre-relationship status with?
The thing is, its very psychological these days. There are alot of books on how to pick up girls, what mindgames to play etc. I know for a fact, that guys are using the "hard to get" strategy more and more nowdays. Who says that he is not on the other end waiting for a text or a call just as you are? Usually he's just playing games with you, but that doesnt always have to be the case. He might just simply not be interested. What you should do is to confront him about it, not in a whiny way but just try and get suttle answer out of him.
Why arent guys as eager to talk to a girl? Girls are always sitting and waiting to get a text or any sign of life from the guy while guys, it feels like, just dont mind that stuff.
My answer:
Im guessing you're talking about someone you're currently dating or have some sort of pre-relationship status with?
The thing is, its very psychological these days. There are alot of books on how to pick up girls, what mindgames to play etc. I know for a fact, that guys are using the "hard to get" strategy more and more nowdays. Who says that he is not on the other end waiting for a text or a call just as you are? Usually he's just playing games with you, but that doesnt always have to be the case. He might just simply not be interested. What you should do is to confront him about it, not in a whiny way but just try and get suttle answer out of him.
Tell me how it works out. Good luck!
My first post
How do you start something like this. I guess i'll start by saying that iam not gonna reveal my true identity, that fact is really of no big importance to the whole idea of the blog.
So, how did this idea come to be? Iam usually the guy that girls talk to about their problems, and more often than seldom its about their boyfriends or guys they are seeing. There is always gonna be differences between men and women, but there is a simple way of cutting those differences short, and that is by understanding eachother. There is a big difference in how men react to something and how women react. My goal is to give women the answers to their questions. As i mentioned earlier, my identity is of no importance, and neither are yours, so feel free to ask any question you like, personal or not, noone will know who you are except yourself.
I have created an email just for the purpose of you sending questions to me through mail, that email address is:
How do you start something like this. I guess i'll start by saying that iam not gonna reveal my true identity, that fact is really of no big importance to the whole idea of the blog, only thing you can surely assume is that i reside in Sweden, consindering the .se of the pagelink hehe.
So, how did this idea come to be? Iam usually the guy that girls talk to about their problems, and more often than seldom its about their boyfriends or guys they are seeing. There is always gonna be differences between men and women, but there is a simple way of cutting those differences short, and that is by understanding eachother. There is a big difference in how men react to something and how women react. My goal is to give women the answers to their questions about men, and how they think. I also have a panel of girls who will answer guys questions about girls. As i mentioned earlier, my identity is of no importance, and neither are yours, so feel free to ask any question you like, personal or not, noone will know who you are except yourself.
I have created an email just for the purpose of you sending questions to me through mail, that email address is: [email protected]